



How Vulnerability Strengthens Teams and Leaders

How Vulnerability Strengthens Teams and Leaders

Fear of Failure Limits Our Courage Brené Brown is a renowned researcher, speaker, and professor who has spent the past sixteen years studying courage, vulnerability, empathy, and shame. Brown is the author of four books: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly,...

What Does a Claim Researcher Do?

What Does a Claim Researcher Do?

Lauth Investigations International’s Return Assets Division is a company focused on recovering your assets in a expeditious and professional manner. Our claims researchers are well trained and highly skilled to identify these assets and return it to it’s rightful...

Choosing the Right Heir Finder

Choosing the Right Heir Finder

What is an Heir Finder? Heir finders do many different things such as locating legitimate  assets as well as their potential owners or heirs, obtaining required documentation, assisting in the filing of the claim and much more. Heir finders can work for a number of...