Lauth Investigations Return Assets Division

Professional Code of Conduct

Professional Code of Conduct


The agents, servants, and employees of Lauth Investigations International, Inc. (LII) have joined together in agreement that all work and professional relationships must be of the highest ethical, moral, and professional standards. LII shall provide professional and competent services to all clients and industry professionals alike. This code of conduct constitutes those values accepted and agreed to by the agents, servants, and employees of LII. This code is to be honored and practiced as a guideline for all professional activities.

LII undertakes to treat its agents, servants, and employees fairly and to fully observe and apply all relevant employment laws and associated rights.

The policy of LII is to ensure that its agents, servants, and employees at all times act in full compliance with any and all applicable laws and regulations as well as LII policies and procedures as duly authorized and issued.


1.1 We will extend the effectiveness of our profession by cooperating with other entities and related professionals by the exchange of information and experience, as long as the interests of our clients or employers are not violated. Industry professionals will always be treated fairly, courteously and with respect, regardless of race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation or national origin.

1.2 We will not knowingly violate any right or privilege of any individual citizen or group which may be guaranteed or provided for by the United States constitution, any state constitution, or the laws of the state and federal governments or any subdivision thereof.

1.3 We will not advertise our work, skill, or merit in an unprofessional or misleading fashion and will avoid all conduct or practice likely to discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of our profession.

1.4 We will endeavor to provide the opportunity, education, and training for the professional development and advancement of our agents, servants, and employees within in our profession.

1.5 We will not directly or indirectly injure the professional reputation, prospects of another entity in our field. However, if we consider that an entity or individual to be guilty of unethical, illegal, or unfair practice, we will present the information to the appropriate authority for investigation and action.

1.6 We will, when the appropriate opportunity presents itself, explain to the public the role of our profession in furtherance of both our client interests and our ethical standards.

1.7 We will not engage in the unauthorized practices.

1.8 We will labor diligently and unceasingly to elevate the standard practices of our agents, servants, and employees, and will not tolerate unscrupulous invasion of our business contracts with clients by any individual or entity who intrudes knowingly and willfully for his own private advantage or financial gain to our detriment and/or injury.

1.9 We will refrain from accepting an assignment or employment if a business conflict of interest lies therein.


2.1 Clients and their representatives will always be treated fairly, courteously, and with respect, regardless of race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.

2.2 We will endeavor to answer all questions promptly and effectively to the satisfaction of the client and/or their representative.

2.3 We will, when the appropriate opportunity presents itself, explain to the public the role of our profession in the furtherance of both our client interests and our ethical standards.

2.4 We will take all steps necessary to ensure sensitive data, both online and offline, (e.g. credit card, bank account numbers, Social Security number, salary, or other personal financial information, medical history or records, etc.) will be held in confidence and transmitted only via secure means.

2.5 We will make best efforts to comply with industry standards for the protection and proper disposal of all sensitive data, both online and offline.

2.6 We will make all our reports based upon truth and fact and will only express honest opinion.

2.7 We will not disclose, relate, or betray in any fashion that trust or confidence placed in us by either client, government entity, or professional associate, without their expressed consent.

2.8 We will deal fairly and equitably with our client, government entity, or professional associate and will clearly explain our duties and the basis for our charges in undertaking such duties.

2.9 Only proven and legitimate claims to an estate or other unclaimed assets will be pursued with the client and custodian as such. If there is any doubt over the legal claim of any person, we may still report the details to the custodian so as to avoid potential future problems with or claims from any such person.

2.10 If a custodian requires additional services, documentation, or information from LII in further support of client interests LII may report on other aspects of the case which may affect the ultimate entitlement of a claimant.

2.11 If a client requires personal financial advice, we may recommend an independent financial advisor, but will not take or ask for any commission, inducement, or any other payment for any such introduction. LII does not offer financial service or advice.

2.12 If a client who has retained LII on a contingency fee basis requires a family tree as the result of research, we will supply one directly to them if such was created as a part of our research, but only at the conclusion of research or at an appropriate point as decided by LII at its discretion. Such family trees will not feature contact information or other identifying details of any individuals.

2.13 If a client wishes to make contact with another family member with whom they have lost contact we may offer to forward a letter on their behalf, but no address or other contact information will be passed on at any time unless the express permission of the addressee is given in advance. Any letters for forwarding will be left unsealed for review by LII. Any threatening, abusive, inappropriate or offensive language or material will not be forwarded. LII does not accept any responsibility for any subsequent disputes of any nature or kind resulting from contact made pursuant to this paragraph.

2.14 We will respect the rights of our clients and refrain from divulging information to the internet, newspapers, or other publications, and/or media outlets for the protection of our clients.

2.15 We will further an honest and legitimate manner of operation and will preserve a client’s confidence beyond the term of contract or employment. We will not accept other employment which involves the disclosure or use of such confidences whether for the private advantage of LII, its agents, servants, and employees, or to the disadvantage of the client without the client’s knowledge and consent, even though there may be other available sources of such information.

2.16 We will not suggest, condone, or participate in any fashion or degree, for any purpose whatsoever in deceptive, fraudulent, or unfair practices of any kind.

2.17 We will deal fairly and equitably with our client, government entity, or professional associate and will clearly explain our duties and the basis for our charges in undertaking such duties.

2.18 We will not allow personal feelings or prejudices to interfere with factual and truthful disclosures on the assignments for which we have been employed or consulted.

2.19 We will refrain from accepting an assignment or employment if a personal conflict of interest lies therein.


3.1 LII agents, servants, and employees have an obligation to perform their professional duties to the best of their abilities and in accordance with the law and their terms of employment.

3.2 LII agents, servants, and employees are obligated to report any illness or other circumstances to their superiors which may affect their ability to carry out their duties effectively.

3.3 All agents, servant,s and employees are obligated to protect the reputation and good standing of LII and wherever necessary or proper to protect that of the investigations/unclaimed property industry as a whole.

3.4 All agents, servants, and employees will counter any misleading or false statements, detrimental articles or adverse publicity wherever possible.

3.5 LII agents, servants, and employees are encouraged to resolve any dispute or potential dispute promptly and courteously. If any such dispute cannot be resolved, they are obligated to report such situation promptly and in full to their superior.

3.6 No agent, servant or employee should knowingly promote or endorse any activity or statements which may encourage or be deemed to support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.

3.7 We will not criticize another employee’s work except in the proper forum for technical discussion and criticism.

3.8 We will not compete illegally with other employees/researchers in the solicitation of work. If we become aware of another employee/researcher’s illegal solicitation of work, we will then no longer be a party to another’s improprieties and will immediately make report of such activities to the appropriate LII authority.